Manchester City vs Chelsea live Stream Soccer EPL 2012

Manchester City vs Chelsea live Stream Soccer EPL 2012. Watch Live Streaming big match Manchester City vs Chelsea on your PC. Match Manchester City vs Chelsea live EPL on March 22, 2012 Global TV 02.45 West Indonesa Time  from Etihad Stadium.

Slipped away to Swansea City headquarters with a score of 0-1 to Manchester City in a great pressure. This is following the victory of Manchester United in the same week. Finally managed to master the top of Manchester United, Manchester City down to second.

Has again strengthened the pillars of their players as a whole in the last few games actually make Manchester City has decreased. In addition to already tergenlincir in the league, in the Europa League Manchester City were knocked out by Sporting Lisbon.

Inversely proportional to the state of Manchester City, Chelsea, are being brought in after the performance improvement of a new coach, Reberto Di Matteo. Chelsea recorded a party always wins in the last four. 2 of Chelsea's victory was an important victory. First on the second leg Champions League Chelsea's 4-1 win over Napoli in the first leg where Chelsea lost 1-3, Chelsea finally qualified for next round dramatically.

The second is the FA Cup quarter-final. Despite the lower division Leicester team a 3-0 win for Chelsea mean enough to re-enforce their heads.

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Keberhasilan adalah kemampuan untuk melewati dan mengatasi dari satu kegagalan ke kegagalan berikutnya tanpa kehilangan semangat. (Winston Chuchill)

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