Papua Paradise : Diving in Raja Ampat Island

Raja Ampat is the fraction of Sorong regency, since 2003. District has a population of 31 thousand inhabitants has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area of ​​about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2 of the sea again. The islands are unspoiled and beautiful sea is still making a direct tourists hooked.

The archipelago is located in northwestern New Guinea bird's head, with about 1500 small islands and atoll islands as well as 4 large main, namely Misol, Salawati, Bantata and Waigeo. This then makes the Raja Ampat's largest marine park in Indonesia. This area had become the target of hunters reef fish by bombing and spread the poison cyanide. However, there are still many people who attempt to protect the area so that the wealth of the sea could be saved. Coral reefs in the sea Raja Ampat considered comprehensive in the world. Of the 537 species of coral of the world, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals.

The World Bank in collaboration with global environmental institutions set Raja Ampat as one of the areas in eastern Indonesia receive assistance Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, since 2005. In Raja Ampat, the program includes 17 villages and involve the local population. Fishermen are also trained to cultivate grouper and seaweed. Especially for you who are not interested in diving activities, which refract the blue expanse of ocean beauty of the sky, emitting a sprinkling of white sand sparkle like pearls, can be enjoyed. In addition, there is still a group of islands are charming and unique flora and fauna such as red paradise, paradise Wilson, maleo Waigeo, various parrots and parrot, possum Waigeo, as well as various types of orchids. Diving on the island of Papua Mansuar is one of the leading resorts in the region. Foreign tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days and even month in Raja Ampat to enjoy the beauty that was there and stay in Papua.

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